Saturday, September 8, 2018

Musically Wired

Every has a certain things which is near to his/her heart. Some call this a hobby, some call this passion, and some call this life. Most of the time, some hobbies can be easily distinguished by some people. Some people like to draw, some like to dance, some like to read, and some like to sing.  These are just a few examples of things that are closest to a man's heart.

The thing nearest to my heart is music. Music is my way of relaxing after a tiring day, a way to bond with loved ones,  a way to express feelings, and even escape the negativities which surround me. Although family, friends,  and other peer groups are the people wherein someone can talk to whenever there is a problem, music is my second choice of comfort. At the very beginning of my stay here in the seminary, music has always been one of the things which comfort me. This is because whenever I listen to music, I always have this tendency to make my own world according to the music genre. Music is also a way to connect people together. How? An example for this is when classmates gather together  for a jamming session. In music, everything is equal.

To conclude, music for me is a friend. One of the things that can unite everyone is music. Music can also untie the bond which makes everyone far from each other. In line with this, it is also a way to communicate with God; for there is a saying that goes "He who sings well, prays twice. "

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